Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Our site, sometimes, collects surfer’s personal data.
Holder of Data Processing
Starnetwork srl – piazza Mons.Bolognini 1 – 84124 Salerno
Holder’s email Address:
Personal data Collection
Our site, independently, or through third party, collects the following personal data: name, surname, email, phone number, using cookies data.
For more information about collected personal data, You can consult the section dedicated to this privacy policy, or read the information displayed before the data collection.
Using data, are collected by this site automatically, when You visit it, while You releases personal data.
The data release is mandatory when not expressly stated. Refusal could prevent the release of requested news.
The surfers who doesn’t know the mandatory data, can contact the holder.
The cookies and tracking tools used by this website or third party, unless otherwise stated, are for services requested by visitor.
Mode and place of collected Data processing
Mode of processing
The Holder follows the security measures, to avoid the change, the spread and the accessibility of personal data to third party, when third party aren’t allowed to.
Because of the internal organization of this site, personal data can be processed by the administrative staff, commercial staff and system administrators or by external entities as hosting provider and third party technical service providers and, when necessary, people appointed by the data controller.
Legal basis of processing
We process surfer’s personal data in the following cases:
• The user/ surfer gives consent for specific purposes. In some case, when consent is not provided, the holder processes data until when the surfer opposes.
• In the stipulation of a contract or quote
• If the holder is subject to legal obligation
• If the holder is required to fulfill a public task or for the exercise of public power.
• If the holder or third party are punishable by a legitimate interest.
For more legal information contact the holder.
Place of data retention
The holder’s headquarters retains data.
The user has the right to get legal information when his data are transferred out of EU, and has the right to security measures adopted by the holder for data protection.
Period of data retention
• Personal data are collected for the stipulation of a contract and preserved until its end;
• Data collected by holder for his legitimate interest, will be preserved until the end of this interest.
• The holder is forced to keep data for a legal obligation or for authority order.
At the end of the above-mentioned cases, data will be deleted.
Purposes of collected Data Processing
The holder collects surfer’s data to provide his services as the following ones:
• Know external platforms contents
• Statistics
• Hosting and external platforms service
• Contact the user
Details about Personal Data Processing
The data collected by holder have the following purpose and use the following service:
Contact the user
The user fills the form to leave name, surname, email, phone number to have information, quotes or something else about the form.
Platform and hosting services
Personal Data are collected to make this site operation possible, using the following services:
Netsons – Hosting & web solutions
Netsons is a brand and service offered by Supernova s.r.l. The primary objective is developing and improving IT solutions and application, to automate and make operations easy.
The processing Holder can control and study the traffic data to understand the surfer’s behaviour.
Google Analytics with anonymous IP (Google Inc.)
Google Analytics analyzes personal data provided by Google Inc. through the web, to understand why this application is used, and shares them to more Google services. Otherwise Google Analytics uses personal data to develop and feature advertising on its own network. Google Analytics leaves the IP address anonymous. All this is possible within the borders of the European States or for the countries that have joined the agreement on the European Economic Area, shortening the IP address. Only in exceptional cases the shortened IP address will be sended to Google servers in USA.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Using Data.
Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy – Opt Out . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield.
External platforms content
The stored data can be transferred from our site to external platforms.
In the pages where this service is installed, the surfer’s data are collected though he doesn’t use it.
Widget Google Maps (Google Inc.)
Some pages of our site use Google Maps service to display maps provided by Google.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Using Data.
Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield.
Widget ilMeteo (ilMeteo srl)
Widget ilmeteo is a service managed by ilMeteo and ilMeteo srl. It’s about weather service contents.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Using Data.
Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy .
Widget (ilMeteo srl)
Widget is a service managed by RTI spa, Gruppo Mediaset. It’s about weather service contents.
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Using Data.
Place of Processing: Italy – Privacy Policy .
Widget 3BMETEO srl (n. REA 443298 – PIVA 04193510163)
Widget is a managed service by 3BMETEO srl. Contents related to the meteorological service.
Collected Personal Data: use Data.
Place of data treatment: Italy– Privacy Policy .
Widget to search for ferries or liners on routes of interest. The site is managed by the company Prenotazioni24 sas P.IVA 01512130491.
Collected Personal Data: use Data.
Place of data treatment: Italy – Privacy Policy .
Widget Video YouTube senza cookie (Google Inc.)
YouTube is a service managed by Google Inc. , it allows this site to insert contents in the pages.
This service is set up so that visitor’s data won’t be collected unless they don’t publish a video or use Cookies .
Collected Personal Data: Cookies and Using Data.
Place of Processing: USA – Privacy Policy . Entity adhering to Privacy Shield
Interested party rights
12.1 Art. 15 (access right) , 16 (right to rectification) Reg. UE 2016/679
The interested party has the right to get confirmation about personal data processing from the processing holder, in this case he can get the access to personal data and to the following information :
a) processing purpose;
b) categories of personal data in question;
c) the receivers or the receivers category that get or will get personal data, particularly if coming from third countries or international organizations;
d) the personal data preserving period, or when not possible, the criteria used to determinate this period;
e) the interested party’s right to ask the processing holder, correction or cancellation of personal data, limitation of personal data processing about him or to object the processing;
f) the right to complain to a control authority;
h) the automated decision-making process, including profiling and, at least in these cases, important information about the logic We used, and the importance of consequences of the processing for the interested party.
12.2 Right in art. 17 of Reg. UE 2016/679 – right to cancel («right to be forgotten»)
The interested party has the right to get the cancellation of personal data about him without undue delay and the processing holder must cancel without undue delay the personal data, with one of the following reasons:
a) personal data aren’t useful anymore to the purposes they used to be collected or processed for;
b) the interested party withdraws the consent about Article 6, paragraph 1, letter a), or Article 9, paragraph 2, letter a), and in absence of any other legal basis for the processing;
c) the interested party opposes to the processing under Article 21, paragraph 1, and there is no legitimate reason to process, otherwise he opposes to the processing under the Article 21, paragraph 2;
d) personal data have been illicitly processed;
e) personal data must be deleted to obey the legal obligation under EU law or Member State to which the processing holder is subject to;
f) personal data have been collected in relation to the service offer of the information company about Article 8, paragraph 1 of Reg. EU 2016/679
12.3 The right about Art. 18 The right to processing limitation
The interested party has the right to get the processing limitation from the processing holder in one of these hypotheses :
a) The interested party disputes the accuracy of personal data, to the processing holder, during the necessary period of processing to verify the accuracy of these data;
b) The processing is illicit and the interested party opposes to the cancellation of personal data asking for the limitation of their use;
c) although the processing holder doesn’t need personal data anymore, the interested party need them to the assessment, exercise or defense of a right in court;
d) the interested party opposed to the processing under Article 21, paragraph 1, Reg EU 2016/679 pending verification of any legitimate reasons of the processing holder about the interested party legitimate reasons.
12.4 The right about Art. 20 Right to data portability
The interested party has the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable form, and the right to transmit these data to another processing holder without any hindrance by the processing holder.
13. Revocation of treatment consent
The interested party can revoke the personal data treatment consent, sending a registered mail with an ID copy and the following text: « Revocation of personal data treatment consent ». At the end of this operation, his personal data will be removed from archives in the shortest possible time.
For more information about your personal data, like exercising rights as in the point 7, please, send a registered mail. Before changing or providing any information to You, We could verify your identity and ask You questions. An answer will be given soon.
Cookie Policy
Cookies are small files identified by browser through a code. For more information check the Cookie Policy .
Furterer information about the processing
Defense in cout
The holder can use personal data, in count or during the preparatory phases, against abuses by surfer on the website or any connected services.
System log and maintenance
The holder can use third party services which are fundamental for the site operation, it could collect system Log with personal data as visitor’s IP address.
Information out of this policy
For information out of this Privacy Policy, the surfer can ask contact details to the processing holder.
Changes to this privacy policy
The holder has the right to change this privacy policy, in any moment, announcing it on this site.
The surfer is invited to consult this page to verify updated data.
Personal Data
Information that identify or can identify a physical person giving details about his characteristics, habits, lifestyle, personal relationships, etc..
Using Data
Data automatically collected every time that a surfer visits our site or application used by our site, the data are about original country, IP address, server requests, site itinerary, permanency on every page etc.
Who accesses to our site and can be identified as interested party.
Interested Party
Physical person the personal data are about.
Processing Responsible (or Responsible)
Physical person, company, public or private body, association, etc., to which the holder gives specific tasks about manage and control of processing data;
Processing Holder (or Holder)
Physical person, corporate, public or private body, association, etc., who make decisions about purposes and mode of processing, as well as used tools.
This Application
Hardware/software system through which Users’ Personal Data are collected and processed.
Service provided by this Application as We define it in this site/ application.
European Union (or EU)
Unless otherwise specified, every reference about EU in this file concerns every current Member State of the European Union and of the European Economic Area.
Files of this text identified by browser through a code.
Legal Reference
This privacy policy has been written under many legal systems, as Artt. 13 e 14 of European Regulation (UE) 2016/679.
Unless otherwise specified, this privacy policy is only about this Application.