
A rock divides the town ancient settlements by Romans on Amalfi Coast: Reghinna Maioris (the modern Maiori) and Reghinna Minoris (the modern Minori).
These two communities are considered twin, even if Minori still preserves the ancient charm of the typical towns of Amalfi Coast. Minori welcomes tourists coming from S.S. 163 road with the panorama of the picturesque small beach, surrounded by nice gardens.

In the middle of the garden there is a fountain with lions, built in XI century. Mountains surrounding Minori are covered by lemon trees: lemon trees have been cultivated here for centuries, on the typical terraced fields.


Minori contains the interesting remains of a Roman villa of I century a.C.:  this was a residence, used by noble people that were surely very rich. Minori has always been loved by people of any ages. Minori has also a long religious tradition that has left interesting buildings, for example the archconfraternity of Blessed Sacrament with a beautiful marble altar and the basilica dedicated to the Patron, Trofimena, whose
body miraculously arrived to the beach of Minori.

History of Minori

Minori has Roman origins. It was first called “Reginna”, then “Reginna Minor” since near it there was a bigger town called “Reginna Maior”.

During Middle Ages Minori had an important shipyard that produced galleys until 1039. Since 987 it had been made a diocese by Pope John XV and was an Episcopal seat until 1818. It rivalled Amalfi because of its picturesque location, its factories, its orange blossoms: the doges of Amalfi often stayed there and some of them are buried in the Cathedral.
An important event is the imprisonment by Salernitano prince Guaimario IV of the second bishop of Minori, Sergio.

On April, the 11th, 1597 there was a tragic storm. In 1492, 1528 and 1656 there were several plagues that brought in the town death and terror. The plague of 1656 made 355 people die: it was a third of the population.

Monuments – Art

Santa Trofimena Cathedral

Santa Trofimena Cathedral with a marble pulpit of 1616. It has a nave and two aisles divided by pillars. The most original part is the crypt attainable through two staircases beginning from the balustrade of presbytery


Roman Archaeological Villa

Roman Archaeological Villa, on two floors, built in I century a.C., during August age, it was a rich house with paintings, mosaics, stuccos in Pompeian style. The Viridarium is very interesting with a central basin surrounded by a portico


Fontana Moresca dei Leoni

Fontana Moresca dei Leoni, a fountain whose symbol had the aim to strengthen the faith: in fact these lions were at the entrance of a church as an admonishment for all those who didn’t have a strong Christian faith



  • S. Giovanni Battista del Piezulo Church, built in 1420 by Brancia family from Amalfi. It has a rectangular plan divided in two by a round arch
  • Santa Lucia Church built in X century. It has an only nave covered by a barrel-vault of early Christian inspiration
  • San Michele Church of X – XI century with interesting paintings
  • San Salvatore Church in Paradiso hamlet, near Ravello
  • Annunziata bell tower in Arabic – Norman style built in XII century
  • Ss. Sacramento confraternity with a beautiful marble altar
  • S. Gennaro Church with the main entrance surmounted by a medallion with a painting portraying Our Lady, near the church there is the Oratory dedicated to Our Lady of Graces
  • San Nicola Monastery and Church built in XI century
  • San Giovanni Battista Church consecrated in 1144
  • Santa Maria della Sanità al Monastero Church with a quadrangular chapel
  • Angelo Custode Church with an only nave. On the altar there is a statue of the Guardian Angel
  • S. Maria del Rosario Church, with an only nave, covered by a barrel-vault

Minori Beach

Minori’s beach

Wide and sandy beach with intense urbanization.

minori beach

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